How you can make your Monday a Mon-Yay!

“Monday morning blues” remains an extremely prevalent pop culture thought, a quintessential work week starter, and a dreadful feeling we have all felt at some point.

2 min readNov 9, 2020
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

How do you turn that thought around? How do you fall in love with Mondays? Okay, let´s not get ahead of ourselves —

How do we confront Mondays, head on?

  1. Procrastination is just you being afraid of sucking at something

Are you procrastinating a minor task that should ideally take you 15 minutes for weeks? We´d be lying if we said no.

Odds are, you might be unsure of exactly how to do it, and you don´t wanna find out! Your brain has you wrapped in a furry blanket to protect you, and you keep pushing it away, till the point when it presents itself as an unmanageable monster!!

How do we tackle this?

Use tools. I love Todoist.

Break the tasks down so granular that the process does not seem so harrowing anymore.

Assign Deadlines/or lifelines ;)

Give yourself brownie points as a reward to encourage discipline.

Use focus techniques such as the Pomodoro method to increase efficiency.

2. Preparation. Preparation. Preparation.

This cannot be emphasized enough.

Vorbereitung is a word that literally all of Germany abides by, be it their personal or professional lives, and believe me when I say, it makes all the difference!

You know the depressive feeling on Sunday evenings? When you´re stressed about the coming week and cannot relish the Sunday as a lazy day anymore?

I say, take that late Sunday evening stress and beat it to the punch!

If your mind is already there, take your actions too.

How does this manifest into tangible actions?

Prepare an agenda late Friday evening for the coming week!

Cash into the FRI-YAY energy and translate it:

Spend 30 minutes on Friday evening to:

prepare a plan for the upcoming week i.e. priorities for the next week, top 5 things you need to tackle first thing on Monday, people you need to meet, blocking their calendars yada yada- you get the gist!

TA-DA! you will feel way more confident stepping into the week!

3. Re-evaluate

If you are not yourself at work, what are you doing anyway?

Don´t get me wrong, nobody is their exact self at work, well at least not most people — but if you are smothered at your workplace and feel like you lose your identity, you absolutely dread the thought of work, you might not be in the right place.

In that case, take a step back, talk to someone, dream of someplace else where you want to be and chalk out a map of how you´re gonna get there!

That´s all, Happy Monday!




Human, Dreamer, Consultant. Writer at An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)